OSXMLCtxtInfo Struct Reference

Data Fields

OSFreeCtxtAppInfoPtr pFreeFunc
OSResetCtxtAppInfoPtr pResetFunc
OSUTF8CHAR * schemaLocation
OSUTF8CHAR * noNSSchemaLoc
OSUTF8CHAR * xsiTypeAttr
OSXMLEncoding encoding
OSRTDList namespaceList
OSRTDList encodedNSList
OSRTDList sortedAttrList
OSXMLNSPfxLinkStack nsPfxLinkStack
OSINT32 mSaxLevel
OSINT32 mSkipLevel
OSUINT32 maxSaxErrors
OSUINT32 errorsCnt
OSUINT8 indent
OSBOOL mbCdataProcessed
char indentChar
OSUINT8 soapVersion
OSXMLFacets facets
const OSUTF8CHAR * encodingStr
OSXMLBOM byteOrderMark
struct OSXMLReader * pXmlPPReader
OSRTBuffer savedBuffer
OSRTFLAGS savedFlags
OSOCTET * attrsBuff
OSSIZE attrsBuffSize
OSSIZE attrStartPos

Detailed Description

Definition at line 208 of file osrtxml.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: