The generation of code for XER causes the following inner class definition to be generated:
public class SaxHandler : Asn1XerSaxHandler { Asn1XerSaxHandler mElemSaxHandler; StringBuffer mCurrElemValue; internal SaxHandler() { <code ..> } public void StartElement (string namespaceURI, string localName, string qName, Attributes atts) { <code ..> } public void Characters (char[] ch, int start, int length) { <code ..> } public void EndElement (string namespaceURI, string localName, string qName) { <code ..> } }
This is an implementation of a standard SAX content handler class. As the XML parser software parses messages, the methods within this class are invoked with the parsed content. The StartElement method is invoked after a start element tag (<tag>) is parsed. The Characters method is invoked one or more times to pass the content between tags into the application. The EndElement method is invoked when an end element tag (</tag>) is encountered.
The ASN1C compiler generates custom code for each ASN.1 type within a given specification to parse the XML contents and fill in the generated C# objects.