Generated Python print_value Method Format and Calling Parameters

The print_value method is provided in with the following signature:

   def print_value(self, elem_name="<name>", indent=0):

The elem_name argument is used to specify the top-level variable name of the item being printed. In the generated code this is defaulted to the name of the item in the ASN.1, but in your call to print_value() you can specify a different value.

The indent argument is used to specify the indentation level for printing nested types. The generated code sets 0 as the default value for this argument, but you can specify a different value. Each indentation level results in an indentation of 3 spaces in the printed output. So for example specifying 1 for this argument means the outermost lines will be indented by 3 spaces, the next level 6 spaces, and so on. Allowing the value to default to 0 means the outermost lines will not be indented, the next level will be indented by 3 spaces, and so on.

For example, the simplest call to print the personnelRecord from the previous examples would be as follows:

   personnelRecord.print_value ();

The output would be formatted as follows:

         PersonnelRecord {
            name {
               givenName = 'John'
               initial = 'P'
               familyName = 'Smith'
            number = 51
            title = 'Director'
            dateOfHire = '19710917'
            nameOfSpouse {
               givenName = 'Mary'
               initial = 'T'
               familyName = 'Smith'
            children[0] {
               name {
                  givenName = 'Ralph'
                  initial = 'T'
                  familyName = 'Smith'
               dateOfBirth = '19571111'
            children[1] {
               name {
                  givenName = 'Susan'
                  initial = 'B'
                  familyName = 'Jones'
               dateOfBirth = '19590717'