General Form of a Generated Java Source File

The following items may be present in a generated java file:

Additional specialized items may be present as well depending on the base type of the target production. These specialized items are discussed in the sections on ASN.1 to Java mappings for the various ASN.1 types.

A complete generated Java source file for the 'EmployeeNumber' production within the production within the ASN.1 sample file 'employee.asn' can be found on the following page. The ASN.1 production from which this file was generated is as follows:


The generated code is as follows:

   package sample_ber.Employee;

   import com.objsys.asn1j.runtime.*;
   import java.util.*;

   public class EmployeeNumber extends Asn1Integer {
     public final static Asn1Tag TAG =
        new Asn1Tag (Asn1Tag.APPL, Asn1Tag.PRIM, 2);

     public EmployeeNumber() {

     public EmployeeNumber (int value_) {
        super (value_);

     pubilc void decode
        (Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
         throws Asn1Exception,
         final int llen = (explicit) ?
            matchTag (buffer, TAG) : implicitLength;

         super.decode (buffer, false, llen);

         if (explicit && llen == Asn1Status.INDEFLEN) {
             matchTag (buffer, Asn1Tag.EOC);

     public int encode (Asn1BerEncodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit)
        throws Asn1Exception
        int aal = super.encode (buffer, false);

        if (explicit) {
           aal += buffer.encodeTagAndLength (TAG, aal);

        return (aal);