ASN1C C# Runtime Library  7.8
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Asn1OpenType.SaxHandler Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Asn1OpenType.SaxHandler:
Asn1XerSaxHandler XmlSaxDefaultHandler XmlSaxContentHandler XmlSaxErrorHandler XmlSaxEntityResolver

Public Member Functions

override void Characters (System.Char[] ch, int start, int length)
override void EndElement (System.String namespaceURI, System.String localName, System.String qName)
override void StartElement (System.String namespaceURI, System.String localName, System.String qName, XmlAttributes atts)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Asn1XerSaxHandler
bool ConsumeStartElement (String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName, XmlAttributes atts)
virtual void EndGroup ()
override void Error (System.Xml.XmlException exception)
override void FatalError (System.Xml.XmlException exception)
virtual void Init (int startLevel)
bool IsDecodingAsGroup ()
void SetComplete ()
override void Warning (System.Xml.XmlException exception)
- Public Member Functions inherited from XmlSaxDefaultHandler
virtual void Characters (char[] ch, int start, int length)
virtual void EndDocument ()
virtual void EndPrefixMapping (System.String prefix)
virtual void IgnorableWhitespace (char[] chars, int start, int length)
virtual void ProcessingInstruction (System.String target, System.String data)
virtual XmlSource ResolveEntity (System.String publicId, System.String systemId)
virtual void SetDocumentLocator (XmlSaxLocator locator)
virtual void SkippedEntity (System.String name)
virtual void StartDocument ()
virtual void StartPrefixMapping (System.String prefix, System.String uri)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from Asn1XerSaxHandler
bool mConsumedStartElement
- Properties inherited from Asn1XerSaxHandler
bool Complete [get]
virtual int State [get]

Detailed Description

This class extends the Asn1XerSaxHandler class to add items specific to ASN.1 XER encoding.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Characters()

override void Characters ( System.Char []  ch,
int  start,
int  length 

This method manage the notification when Characters element were found.

chThe array with the characters founds
startThe index of the first position of the characters found
lengthSpecify how many characters must be read from the array

References Asn1XerEncodeBuffer.EncodeData(), and Diag.Prtln().

◆ EndElement()

override void EndElement ( System.String  namespaceURI,
System.String  localName,
System.String  qName 

This method manage the notification when the end element node were found

namespaceURIThe namespace URI of the element
localNameThe local name of the element
qNameThe long name (qualify name) of the element

Reimplemented from XmlSaxDefaultHandler.

References Asn1XerEncodeBuffer.Copy(), Asn1OpenType.dataEncoding, Asn1XerEncodeBuffer.EncodeEndElement(), Asn1OctetString.mValue, Diag.Prtln(), Asn1Util.ToCharArray(), and Asn1OpenType.UNKNOWN.

◆ StartElement()

override void StartElement ( System.String  namespaceURI,
System.String  localName,
System.String  qName,
XmlAttributes  atts 

This method manage the event when a start element node were found

namespaceURIThe namespace uri of the element tag
localNameThe local name of the element
qNameThe Qualify (long) name of the element
attsThe list of attributes of the element

Reimplemented from XmlSaxDefaultHandler.

References Asn1XerEncodeBuffer.EncodeStartElement(), and Diag.Prtln().