Data Structures |
struct | H245Message |
| Defines the H.245 message structure. More...
Functions |
EXTERN int | ooCreateH245Message (H245Message **msg, int type) |
| Creates an outgoing H245 message of the type specified by the type argument for the Application context.
EXTERN int | ooFreeH245Message (struct OOH323CallData *call, H245Message *pmsg) |
| Frees up the memory used by the H245 message.
EXTERN int | ooSendH245Msg (struct OOH323CallData *call, H245Message *msg) |
| This function is used to enqueue an H.245 message into an outgoing queue for the call.
EXTERN int | ooGetOutgoingH245Msgbuf (struct OOH323CallData *call, ASN1OCTET *msgbuf, int *len, int *msgType) |
| This function is used to retrieve an H.245 message enqueued in the outgoing queue.
EXTERN int | ooSendTermCapMsg (struct OOH323CallData *call) |
| This function is used to send out a terminal capability set message.
EXTERN ASN1UINT | ooGenerateStatusDeterminationNumber () |
| This function is used to generate a random status determination number for MSD procedure.
EXTERN int | ooHandleMasterSlave (struct OOH323CallData *call, void *pmsg, int msgType) |
| This fuction is used to handle received MasterSlaveDetermination procedure messages.
EXTERN int | ooSendMasterSlaveDetermination (struct OOH323CallData *call) |
| This function is used to send MSD message.
EXTERN int | ooSendMasterSlaveDeterminationAck (struct OOH323CallData *call, char *status) |
| This function is used to send a MasterSlaveDeterminationAck message.
EXTERN int | ooSendMasterSlaveDeterminationReject (struct OOH323CallData *call) |
| This function is used to send a MasterSlaveDeterminationReject message.
EXTERN int | ooHandleMasterSlaveReject (struct OOH323CallData *call, H245MasterSlaveDeterminationReject *reject) |
| This function is used to handle MasterSlaveReject message.
EXTERN int | ooHandleOpenLogicalChannel (struct OOH323CallData *call, H245OpenLogicalChannel *olc) |
| This function is used to handle received OpenLogicalChannel message.
EXTERN int | ooHandleOpenLogicalChannel_helper (struct OOH323CallData *call, H245OpenLogicalChannel *olc) |
| This is a helper function used to handle a received OpenLogicalChannel message.
int | ooSendOpenLogicalChannelReject (struct OOH323CallData *call, ASN1UINT channelNum, ASN1UINT cause) |
| This function is used to build and send OpenLogicalChannelReject message.
EXTERN int | ooOnReceivedOpenLogicalChannelAck (struct OOH323CallData *call, H245OpenLogicalChannelAck *olcAck) |
| This function is used to handle a received OpenLogicalChannelAck message.
int | ooOnReceivedOpenLogicalChannelRejected (struct OOH323CallData *call, H245OpenLogicalChannelReject *olcRejected) |
| This function is used to handle the received OpenLogicalChannelReject message.
EXTERN int | ooSendEndSessionCommand (struct OOH323CallData *call) |
| This message is used to send an EndSession command.
EXTERN int | ooHandleH245Command (struct OOH323CallData *call, H245CommandMessage *command) |
| This function is used to handle a received H245Command message.
EXTERN int | ooOnReceivedUserInputIndication (OOH323CallData *call, H245UserInputIndication *indication) |
| This function is used to handle a received UserInput Indication message.
EXTERN int | ooOnReceivedTerminalCapabilitySetAck (struct OOH323CallData *call) |
| This function is called on receiving a TreminalCapabilitySetAck message.
EXTERN int | ooCloseAllLogicalChannels (struct OOH323CallData *call) |
| This function is called to close all the open logical channels.
EXTERN int | ooSendCloseLogicalChannel (struct OOH323CallData *call, ooLogicalChannel *logicalChan) |
| This function is used to send out a CloseLogicalChannel message for a particular logical channel.
EXTERN int | ooOnReceivedCloseLogicalChannel (struct OOH323CallData *call, H245CloseLogicalChannel *clc) |
| This function is used to process a received closeLogicalChannel request.
EXTERN int | ooOnReceivedCloseChannelAck (struct OOH323CallData *call, H245CloseLogicalChannelAck *clcAck) |
| This function is used to process a received CloseLogicalChannelAck message.
EXTERN int | ooHandleH245Message (struct OOH323CallData *call, H245Message *pmsg) |
| This function is used to handle received H245 message.
EXTERN int | ooOnReceivedTerminalCapabilitySet (struct OOH323CallData *call, H245Message *pmsg) |
| This function is used to process received TCS message.
EXTERN int | ooH245AcknowledgeTerminalCapabilitySet (struct OOH323CallData *call) |
| This function is used to send a TCSAck message to remote endpoint.
EXTERN int | ooOpenLogicalChannels (struct OOH323CallData *call) |
| This function is used to start OpenLogicalChannel procedure for all the channels to be opened for the call.
EXTERN int | ooOpenLogicalChannel (struct OOH323CallData *call, enum OOCapType capType) |
| This function is used to send OpenLogicalChannel message for audio/video channel.
EXTERN int | ooOpenChannel (struct OOH323CallData *call, ooH323EpCapability *epCap) |
| This function is used to build and send OpenLogicalChannel message using capability passed as parameter.
EXTERN int | ooSendH245UserInputIndication_alphanumeric (OOH323CallData *call, const char *data) |
| This function is used to send dtmf digits as user input indication message contating alphanumeric string.
EXTERN int | ooSendH245UserInputIndication_signal (OOH323CallData *call, const char *data) |
| This function is used to send dtmf digits as user input indication message contating dtmf signal type.
EXTERN int | ooSendRequestCloseLogicalChannel (struct OOH323CallData *call, ooLogicalChannel *logicalChan) |
| This function is used to request a remote end point to close a logical channel.
int | ooSendRequestChannelCloseRelease (struct OOH323CallData *call, int channelNum) |
| This function is used to send a RequestChannelCloseRelease message when the corresponding timer has expired.
EXTERN int | ooOnReceivedRequestChannelClose (struct OOH323CallData *call, H245RequestChannelClose *rclc) |
| This function handles the received RequestChannelClose message, verifies that the requested channel is forward channel.
int | ooOnReceivedRequestChannelCloseReject (struct OOH323CallData *call, H245RequestChannelCloseReject *rccReject) |
| This function is used to handle a received RequestChannelCloseReject response message.
int | ooOnReceivedRequestChannelCloseAck (struct OOH323CallData *call, H245RequestChannelCloseAck *rccAck) |
| This function is used to handle a received RequestChannelCloseAck response message.
EXTERN int | ooBuildFastStartOLC (struct OOH323CallData *call, H245OpenLogicalChannel *olc, ooH323EpCapability *epCap, OOCTXT *pctxt, int dir) |
| Builds an OLC for faststart with an audio/video capability passed as parameter.
EXTERN int | ooPrepareFastStartResponseOLC (OOH323CallData *call, H245OpenLogicalChannel *olc, ooH323EpCapability *epCap, OOCTXT *pctxt, int dir) |
| Prepares a faststart response olc from the olc received in SETUP message.
EXTERN int | ooEncodeH245Message (struct OOH323CallData *call, H245Message *ph245Msg, ASN1OCTET *msgbuf, size_t size) |
| This function is used to encode an H245 message and return encoded data into the buffer passed as a parameter to the function.
int | ooSendMasterSlaveDeterminationRelease (struct OOH323CallData *call) |
| This function is used to send a master-slave determination release message.
int | ooSendTerminalCapabilitySetReject (struct OOH323CallData *call, int seqNo, ASN1UINT cause) |
| This function is used to send a terminal capability set reject message to the remote endpoint.
int | ooSendTerminalCapabilitySetRelease (struct OOH323CallData *call) |
| This function is used to send a TerminalCapabilitySetRelease message after capability exchange timer has expired.
int | ooGetIpPortFromH245TransportAddress (OOH323CallData *call, H245TransportAddress *h245Address, char *ip, int *port) |
| This is an helper function used to extract ip address and port info from H245TransportAddress structure.
int | ooMSDTimerExpired (void *data) |
| This is a callback function for handling an expired master-slave determination timer.
int | ooTCSTimerExpired (void *data) |
| This is a callback function for handling an expired capability exchange timer.
int | ooOpenLogicalChannelTimerExpired (void *pdata) |
| This is a callback function for handling an expired OpenLogicalChannel timer.
int | ooCloseLogicalChannelTimerExpired (void *pdata) |
| This is a callback function for handling an expired CloseLogicalChannel timer.
int | ooRequestChannelCloseTimerExpired (void *pdata) |
| This is a callback function for handling an expired RequestChannelClose timer.
int | ooSessionTimerExpired (void *pdata) |
| This is a callback function for handling an expired EndSession timer.