Data Structures |
struct | Q931InformationElement |
struct | Q931Message |
| Q.931 message structure. More...
struct | OOAliases |
| This structure is used to hold an H.323 alias address. More...
struct | OOH225MsgCallbacks |
| This structure holds the various callback functions that are triggered when H.225 messages are received or constructed. More...
Defines |
#define | OO_MAX_NUMBER_LENGTH 50 |
#define | OO_MAX_CALL_TOKEN 9999 |
#define | Q931_E_TOOSHORT (-1001) |
#define | Q931_E_INVCALLREF (-1002) |
#define | Q931_E_INVLENGTH (-1003) |
#define | ooAliases OOAliases |
Typedefs |
typedef int(*) | cb_OnReceivedSetup (struct OOH323CallData *call, struct Q931Message *pmsg) |
| This callback is triggered when an H.225 SETUP message is received by the application.
typedef int(*) | cb_OnReceivedConnect (struct OOH323CallData *call, struct Q931Message *pmsg) |
| This callback is triggered when an H.225 CONNECT message is received by the application.
typedef int(*) | cb_OnBuiltSetup (struct OOH323CallData *call, struct Q931Message *pmsg) |
| This callback is triggered after an H.225 SETUP message has been constructed and is ready to be sent out.
typedef int(*) | cb_OnBuiltConnect (struct OOH323CallData *call, struct Q931Message *pmsg) |
| This callback is triggered after an H.225 CONNECT message has been constructed and is ready to be sent out.
Enumerations |
enum | Q931MsgTypes {
Q931NationalEscapeMsg = 0x00,
Q931AlertingMsg = 0x01,
Q931CallProceedingMsg = 0x02,
Q931ConnectMsg = 0x07,
Q931ConnectAckMsg = 0x0f,
Q931ProgressMsg = 0x03,
Q931SetupMsg = 0x05,
Q931SetupAckMsg = 0x0d,
Q931ResumeMsg = 0x26,
Q931ResumeAckMsg = 0x2e,
Q931ResumeRejectMsg = 0x22,
Q931SuspendMsg = 0x25,
Q931SuspendAckMsg = 0x2d,
Q931SuspendRejectMsg = 0x21,
Q931UserInformationMsg = 0x20,
Q931DisconnectMsg = 0x45,
Q931ReleaseMsg = 0x4d,
Q931ReleaseCompleteMsg = 0x5a,
Q931RestartMsg = 0x46,
Q931RestartAckMsg = 0x4e,
Q931SegmentMsg = 0x60,
Q931CongestionCtrlMsg = 0x79,
Q931InformationMsg = 0x7b,
Q931NotifyMsg = 0x6e,
Q931StatusMsg = 0x7d,
Q931StatusEnquiryMsg = 0x75,
Q931FacilityMsg = 0x62
} |
enum | Q931IECodes {
Q931BearerCapabilityIE = 0x04,
Q931CauseIE = 0x08,
Q931FacilityIE = 0x1c,
Q931ProgressIndicatorIE = 0x1e,
Q931CallStateIE = 0x14,
Q931DisplayIE = 0x28,
Q931SignalIE = 0x34,
Q931CallingPartyNumberIE = 0x6c,
Q931CalledPartyNumberIE = 0x70,
Q931RedirectingNumberIE = 0x74,
Q931UserUserIE = 0x7e,
Q931KeypadIE = 0x2c
} |
enum | Q931InformationTransferCapability {
Q931TransferUnrestrictedDigital = 8,
Q931TransferRestrictedDigital = 9,
Q931Transfer3_1kHzAudio = 16,
Q931TrasnferUnrestrictedDigitalWithTones = 17,
Q931TransferVideo = 24
} |
enum | Q931CauseValues {
Q931UnallocatedNumber = 0x01,
Q931NoRouteToNetwork = 0x02,
Q931NoRouteToDestination = 0x03,
Q931ChannelUnacceptable = 0x06,
Q931NormalCallClearing = 0x10,
Q931UserBusy = 0x11,
Q931NoResponse = 0x12,
Q931NoAnswer = 0x13,
Q931SubscriberAbsent = 0x14,
Q931CallRejected = 0x15,
Q931NumberChanged = 0x16,
Q931Redirection = 0x17,
Q931DestinationOutOfOrder = 0x1b,
Q931InvalidNumberFormat = 0x1c,
Q931NormalUnspecified = 0x1f,
Q931StatusEnquiryResponse = 0x1e,
Q931NoCircuitChannelAvailable = 0x22,
Q931NetworkOutOfOrder = 0x26,
Q931TemporaryFailure = 0x29,
Q931Congestion = 0x2a,
Q931RequestedCircuitUnAvailable = 0x2c,
Q931ResourcesUnavailable = 0x2f,
Q931IncompatibleDestination = 0x58,
Q931ProtocolErrorUnspecified = 0x6f,
Q931RecoveryOnTimerExpiry = 0x66,
Q931InvalidCallReference = 0x51,
Q931ErrorInCauseIE = 0
} |
enum | Q931SignalInfo {
Q931SignalTonesOff = 0x3f,
Q931SignalAlertingPattern0 = 0x40,
Q931SignalAlretingOff = 0x4f,
Q931SignalErrorInIE = 0x100
} |
enum | Q931NumberingPlanCodes {
Q931UnknownPlan = 0x00,
Q931ISDNPlan = 0x01,
Q931DataPlan = 0x03,
Q931TelexPlan = 0x04,
Q931NationalStandardPlan = 0x08,
Q931PrivatePlan = 0x09,
Q931ReservedPlan = 0x0f
} |
enum | Q931TypeOfNumberCodes {
Q931UnknownType = 0x00,
Q931InternationalType = 0x01,
Q931NationalType = 0x02,
Q931NetworkSpecificType = 0x03,
Q931SubscriberType = 0x04,
Q931AbbreviatedType = 0x06,
Q931ReservedType = 0x07
} |
enum | Q931CodingStandard {
Q931CCITTStd = 0,
} |
enum | Q931TransferMode {
Q931TransferCircuitMode = 0,
Q931TransferPacketMode = 2
} |
enum | Q931TransferRate {
Q931TransferRatePacketMode = 0x00,
Q931TransferRate64Kbps = 0x10,
Q931TransferRate128kbps = 0x11,
Q931TransferRate384kbps = 0x13,
Q931TransferRate1536kbps = 0x15,
Q931TransferRate1920kbps = 0x17
} |
enum | Q931UserInfoLayer1Protocol {
Q931UserInfoLayer1CCITTStdRate = 1,
} |
Functions |
EXTERN int | ooQ931Decode (struct OOH323CallData *call, Q931Message *msg, int length, ASN1OCTET *data) |
| This function is invoked to decode a Q931 message.
EXTERN int | ooDecodeUUIE (Q931Message *q931Msg) |
| This function is used to decode the UUIE of the message from the list of ies.
EXTERN int | ooEncodeUUIE (Q931Message *q931msg) |
| This function is used to encode the UUIE field of the Q931 message.
EXTERN Q931InformationElement * | ooQ931GetIE (const Q931Message *q931msg, int ieCode) |
| This function is invoked to retrieve an IE element from a Q931 message.
EXTERN void | ooQ931Print (const Q931Message *q931msg) |
| This function is invoked to print a Q931 message.
EXTERN int | ooCreateQ931Message (Q931Message **msg, int msgType) |
| This function is invoked to create an outgoing Q931 message.
EXTERN ASN1USINT | ooGenerateCallReference (void) |
| This function is invoked to generate a unique call reference number.
EXTERN int | ooGenerateCallIdentifier (H225CallIdentifier *callid) |
| This function is used to generate a unique call identifier for the call.
EXTERN int | ooFreeQ931Message (Q931Message *q931Msg) |
| This function is invoked to release the memory used up by a Q931 message.
EXTERN int | ooGetOutgoingQ931Msgbuf (struct OOH323CallData *call, ASN1OCTET *msgbuf, int *len, int *msgType) |
| This function is invoked to retrive the outgoing message buffer for Q931 message.
EXTERN int | ooSendReleaseComplete (struct OOH323CallData *call) |
| This function is invoked to send a ReleaseComplete message for the currently active call.
EXTERN int | ooSendCallProceeding (struct OOH323CallData *call) |
| This function is invoked to send a call proceeding message in response to received setup message.
EXTERN int | ooSendAlerting (struct OOH323CallData *call) |
| This function is invoked to send alerting message in response to received setup message.
EXTERN int | ooSendFacility (struct OOH323CallData *call) |
| This function is invoked to send Facility message.
EXTERN int | ooQ931SendDTMFAsKeyPadIE (struct OOH323CallData *call, const char *data) |
| This function is used to send dtmf data as Q931 keypad information element as part of information message.
EXTERN int | ooSendConnect (struct OOH323CallData *call) |
| This function is invoked to send a Connect message in response to received setup message.
EXTERN int | ooH323MakeCall (char *dest, char *callToken, ooCallOptions *opts) |
| This function is used to send a SETUP message for outgoing call.
int | ooH323CallAdmitted (struct OOH323CallData *call) |
| Helper function used to make a call once it is approved by the Gk.
EXTERN int | ooH323HandleCallFwdRequest (struct OOH323CallData *call) |
| This function is used to handle a call forward request sent to local endpoint by remote endpoint.
EXTERN int | ooH323ForwardCall (char *callToken, char *dest) |
| This function is used for forwarding/redirecting a call to third party.
EXTERN int | ooH323HangCall (char *callToken, OOCallClearReason reason) |
| This function is used to hangup a currently active call.
EXTERN int | ooAcceptCall (struct OOH323CallData *call) |
| Function to accept a call by sending connect.
EXTERN int | ooH323MakeCall_helper (struct OOH323CallData *call) |
int | ooParseDestination (struct OOH323CallData *call, char *dest, char *parsedIP, unsigned len, OOAliases **aliasList) |
| This function is used to parse the destination.
int | ooGenerateCallToken (char *callToken, size_t size) |
| This function is used to generate a new call token.
EXTERN int | ooSendAsTunneledMessage (struct OOH323CallData *call, ASN1OCTET *msgbuf, int h245Len, int h245MsgType, int associatedChan) |
| This function sends an encoded H.245 message buffer as a tunneled H.245 Facility message.
int | ooEncodeH225Message (struct OOH323CallData *call, Q931Message *pq931Msg, ASN1OCTET *msgbuf, size_t size) |
| This function is used to encode an H.225 message.
int | ooCallEstbTimerExpired (void *data) |
| This is a callback function which is called when there is no CONNECT response from the remote endpoint after the SETUP has been sent and timeout period has passed.
EXTERN int | ooQ931SetKeypadIE (Q931Message *pmsg, const char *data) |
| This function is used to add a keypad IE to a Q931 message for sending dtmf.
EXTERN int | ooSetBearerCapabilityIE (Q931Message *pmsg, enum Q931CodingStandard codingStandard, enum Q931InformationTransferCapability capability, enum Q931TransferMode transferMode, enum Q931TransferRate transferRate, enum Q931UserInfoLayer1Protocol userInfoLayer1) |
| This function is used to add a bearer capability IE to a Q931 message.
EXTERN int | ooQ931SetCalledPartyNumberIE (Q931Message *pmsg, const char *number, unsigned plan, unsigned type) |
| This function is used to add a called party number ie to a q931 message.
EXTERN int | ooQ931SetCallingPartyNumberIE (Q931Message *pmsg, const char *number, unsigned plan, unsigned type, unsigned presentation, unsigned screening) |
| This function is used to add a CallingPartyNumber ie to a q931 message.
EXTERN int | ooQ931SetCauseIE (Q931Message *pmsg, enum Q931CauseValues cause, unsigned coding, unsigned location) |
| This function is used to set a cause ie for a q931 message.
EXTERN int | ooQ931GetCauseAndReasonCodeFromCallClearReason (OOCallClearReason clearReason, enum Q931CauseValues *cause, unsigned *reasonCode) |
| This function is used to convert a call clear reason to cause and reason code.
EXTERN OOCallClearReason | ooGetCallClearReasonFromCauseAndReasonCode (enum Q931CauseValues cause, unsigned reasonCode) |
| This function is used to convert a cause value and reason code received in ReleaseComplete message from remote endpoint into a CallClearReason.
EXTERN const char * | ooGetMsgTypeText (int msgType) |
| This function is used to retrieve the description text for a message type.
EXTERN const char * | ooGetQ931CauseValueText (int val) |
| This function is used to retrieve the text description for a Q931 Cause value in Cause IE.