XmlSaxDefaultHandler Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for XmlSaxDefaultHandler:
XmlSaxContentHandler XmlSaxErrorHandler XmlSaxEntityResolver Asn1XerSaxHandler SaxHandler XsdAnySaxHandler Asn1XmlSaxSimpleType

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void Characters (char[] ch, int start, int length)
virtual void EndDocument ()
virtual void EndElement (System.String ns, System.String localName, System.String qName)
virtual void EndPrefixMapping (System.String prefix)
virtual void Error (System.Xml.XmlException exception)
virtual void FatalError (System.Xml.XmlException exception)
virtual void IgnorableWhitespace (char[] chars, int start, int length)
virtual void ProcessingInstruction (System.String target, System.String data)
virtual XmlSource ResolveEntity (System.String publicId, System.String systemId)
virtual void SetDocumentLocator (XmlSaxLocator locator)
virtual void SkippedEntity (System.String name)
virtual void StartDocument ()
virtual void StartElement (System.String ns, System.String localName, System.String qName, XmlAttributes attributes)
virtual void StartPrefixMapping (System.String prefix, System.String uri)
virtual void Warning (System.Xml.XmlException exception)

Detailed Description

This class provides the base implementation for the management of XML documents parsing.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void Characters ( char[]  ch,
int  start,
int  length 
) [virtual]

This method manage the notification when Characters element were found.

ch The array with the characters founds
start The index of the first position of the characters found
length Specify how many characters must be read from the array

Implements XmlSaxContentHandler.

virtual void EndDocument (  )  [virtual]

This method manage the notification when the end document node were found

Implements XmlSaxContentHandler.

virtual void EndElement ( System.String  ns,
System.String  localName,
System.String  qName 
) [virtual]

This method manage the notification when the end element node were found

ns The namespace of the element
localName The local name of the element
qName The long name (qualify name) of the element

Implements XmlSaxContentHandler.

Reimplemented in SaxHandler, and XsdAnySaxHandler.

virtual void EndPrefixMapping ( System.String  prefix  )  [virtual]

This method manage the event when an area of expecific URI prefix was ended.

prefix The prefix that ends

Implements XmlSaxContentHandler.

virtual void Error ( System.Xml.XmlException  exception  )  [virtual]

This method manage when an error exception ocurrs in the parsing process

exception The exception thrown by the parser

Implements XmlSaxErrorHandler.

Reimplemented in Asn1XerSaxHandler.

virtual void FatalError ( System.Xml.XmlException  exception  )  [virtual]

This method manage when a fatal error exception ocurrs in the parsing process

exception The exception Thrown by the parser

Implements XmlSaxErrorHandler.

Reimplemented in Asn1XerSaxHandler.

virtual void IgnorableWhitespace ( char[]  chars,
int  start,
int  length 
) [virtual]

This method manage the event when a ignorable whitespace node were found

chars The array with the ignorable whitespaces
start The array offset at the ignorable whitespace
length The length of the whitespaces

Implements XmlSaxContentHandler.

virtual void ProcessingInstruction ( System.String  target,
System.String  data 
) [virtual]

This method manage the event when a processing instruction were found

target The processing instruction target
data The processing instruction data

Implements XmlSaxContentHandler.

virtual XmlSource ResolveEntity ( System.String  publicId,
System.String  systemId 
) [virtual]

Allow the application to resolve external entities.

publicId The public identifier of the external entity being referenced, or null if none was supplied.
systemId The system identifier of the external entity being referenced.
A XmlSourceSupport object describing the new input source, or null to request that the parser open a regular URI connection to the system identifier.

Implements XmlSaxEntityResolver.

virtual void SetDocumentLocator ( XmlSaxLocator  locator  )  [virtual]

This method is not supported, is include for compatibility

locator A XmlSaxLocator object that can return the location of any events into the XML document

Implements XmlSaxContentHandler.

virtual void SkippedEntity ( System.String  name  )  [virtual]

This method manage the event when a skipped entity were found

name The name of the skipped entity

Implements XmlSaxContentHandler.

virtual void StartDocument (  )  [virtual]

This method manage the event when a start document node were found

Implements XmlSaxContentHandler.

virtual void StartElement ( System.String  ns,
System.String  localName,
System.String  qName,
XmlAttributes  attributes 
) [virtual]

This method manage the event when a start element node were found

ns The namespace uri of the element tag
localName The local name of the element
qName The Qualify (long) name of the element
attributes The list of attributes of the element

Implements XmlSaxContentHandler.

Reimplemented in SaxHandler, and XsdAnySaxHandler.

virtual void StartPrefixMapping ( System.String  prefix,
System.String  uri 
) [virtual]

This methods indicates the start of a prefix area in the XML document.

prefix The prefix of the area
uri The namespace uri of the prefix area

Implements XmlSaxContentHandler.

virtual void Warning ( System.Xml.XmlException  exception  )  [virtual]

This method manage when a warning exception ocurrs in the parsing process

exception The exception Thrown by the parser

Implements XmlSaxErrorHandler.

Reimplemented in Asn1XerSaxHandler.