Pattern matching functions


OSBOOL rtxMatchPattern (OSCTXT *pctxt, const OSUTF8CHAR *text, const OSUTF8CHAR *pattern)
OSBOOL rtxMatchPattern2 (OSCTXT *pctxt, const OSUTF8CHAR *pattern)
void rtxFreeRegexpCache (OSCTXT *pctxt)

Detailed Description

These functions handle pattern matching which is required to to process XML schema pattern constraints.

Function Documentation

void rtxFreeRegexpCache ( OSCTXT pctxt  ) 

This function frees the memory associated with the regular expression cache. The regular expression cache is designed to use memory that survives calls to rtxMemFree and rtxMemReset, therefore it is necessary to call this function to free that memory. (Note that rtxFreeContext invokes this.)

OSBOOL rtxMatchPattern ( OSCTXT pctxt,
const OSUTF8CHAR *  text,
const OSUTF8CHAR *  pattern 

This function compares the given string to the given pattern. It returns true if match, false otherwise.

pctxt Pointer to context structure.
text Text to be matched.
pattern Regular expression.
Boolean result.