ASN.1-XML encode/decode functions.


EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlpDecGenTime (OSCTXT *pctxt, const char **outdata)
 This function decodes the contents of an ASN.1 Generalized type.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlpDecReal (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSREAL *pvalue)
 This function decodes the contents of an ASN.1 REAL type.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlpDecObjId (OSCTXT *pctxt, ASN1OBJID *pvalue)
 This function decodes the contents of an ASN.1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER type.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlpDecOpenType (OSCTXT *pctxt, ASN1OpenType *pOpenType)
 This function decodes a variable of the ASN.1 open type.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlpDecUnivStr (OSCTXT *pctxt, const OS32BITCHAR **ppdata, OSSIZE *pnchars)
 This function decodes the contents of an ASN.1 UNIVERSAL string type.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlpDecUTCTime (OSCTXT *pctxt, const char **outdata)
 This function decodes the contents of an ASN.1 UTCTime type.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlEncGenTime (OSCTXT *pctxt, const char *value, const OSUTF8CHAR *elemName, const OSUTF8CHAR *nsPrefix)
 This function encodes a variable of the ASN.1 GeneralizedTime type.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlEncUTCTime (OSCTXT *pctxt, const char *value, const OSUTF8CHAR *elemName, const OSUTF8CHAR *nsPrefix)
 This function encodes a variable of the ASN.1 UTCTime type.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlEncObjId (OSCTXT *pctxt, const ASN1OBJID *pvalue, const OSUTF8CHAR *elemName, const OSUTF8CHAR *nsPrefix)
 This function encodes a variable of the ASN.1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER type.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlEncReal (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSREAL value, const OSUTF8CHAR *elemName, const OSUTF8CHAR *nsPrefix)
 This function encodes a variable of the ASN.1 REAL type.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlEncRelOID (OSCTXT *pctxt, const ASN1OBJID *pvalue, const OSUTF8CHAR *elemName, const OSUTF8CHAR *nsPrefix)
 This function encodes a variable of the ASN.1 RELATIVE-OID type.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlEncOpenType (OSCTXT *pctxt, const OSOCTET *data, OSSIZE nocts, const OSUTF8CHAR *elemName, const OSUTF8CHAR *nsPrefix)
 This function encodes a variable of the ASN.1 open type.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlEncOpenTypeExt (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSRTDList *pElemList)
 This function encodes an ASN.1 open type extension.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlEncUnivStr (OSCTXT *pctxt, const OS32BITCHAR *value, OSSIZE nchars, const OSUTF8CHAR *elemName, OSXMLNamespace *pNS)
 This function encodes a variable of the ASN.1 UNIVERSAL string type.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlFmtAttrStr (OSCTXT *pctxt, const OSUTF8CHAR *name, const OSUTF8CHAR *value, OSUTF8CHAR **pAttrStr)
 This function formats a name-value XML pair into a name="value" attribute string.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlParseAttrStr (OSCTXT *pctxt, const OSUTF8CHAR *pAttrStr, OSUTF8NVP *pNVPair)
 This function parses an XML name-value pair from an attribute string.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlAddAnyAttr (OSCTXT *pctxt, const OSUTF8CHAR *name, const OSUTF8CHAR *value, OSRTDList *plist)
 This function formats an attribute string and adds it to the attribute list.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlpDecDynBitStr (OSCTXT *pctxt, ASN1DynBitStr *pvalue)
 This function decodes a bit string value.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlpDecDynBitStr64 (OSCTXT *pctxt, ASN1DynBitStr64 *pvalue)
 This function decodes a bit string value.
EXTERNXML int rtXmlpDecListOfASN1DynBitStr (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSRTDList *plist)
 This function decodes a list of space-separated bit strings and returns each bit string as a separate item on the given list.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlpDecRelOID (OSCTXT *pctxt, ASN1OBJID *pvalue)
 This function decodes the contents of an ASN.1 RELATIVE-OID type.

Function Documentation

EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlAddAnyAttr ( OSCTXT *  pctxt,
const OSUTF8CHAR *  name,
const OSUTF8CHAR *  value,
OSRTDList *  plist 

This function formats an attribute string and adds it to the attribute list.

pctxt A pointer to a context structure. This provides a storage area for the function to store all working variables that must be maintained between function calls.
name The name of the new attribute.
value The value of the new attribute.
plist The attribute list.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlEncGenTime ( OSCTXT *  pctxt,
const char *  value,
const OSUTF8CHAR *  elemName,
const OSUTF8CHAR *  nsPrefix 

This function encodes a variable of the ASN.1 GeneralizedTime type.

It performs conversion from ASN.1 time format into the XML dateTime format.

pctxt A pointer to a context structure. This provides a storage area for the function to store all working variables that must be maintained between function calls.
value A pointer to a null-terminated C character string to be encoded. It should contain UTCTime in ASN.1 format.
elemName XML element name. A name must be provided. If an empty string is passed (""), no element tag is added to the encoded value.
nsPrefix XML namespace prefix. If not null, will be prepended to elemName to form a qualified name.
Completion status of operation:
  • 0 (0) = success,
  • negative return value is error.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlEncObjId ( OSCTXT *  pctxt,
const ASN1OBJID *  pvalue,
const OSUTF8CHAR *  elemName,
const OSUTF8CHAR *  nsPrefix 

This function encodes a variable of the ASN.1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER type.

pctxt A pointer to a context structure. This provides a storage area for the function to store all working variables that must be maintained between function calls.
pvalue A pointer to an object identifier structure. This structure contains an integer to hold the number of subidentifers in the object and an array to hold the subidentifier values.
elemName XML element name. A name must be provided. If an empty string is passed (""), no element tag is added to the encoded value.
nsPrefix XML namespace prefix. If not null, will be prepended to elemName to form a qualified name.
Completion status of operation:
  • 0 (0) = success,
  • negative return value is error.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlEncOpenType ( OSCTXT *  pctxt,
const OSOCTET *  data,
OSSIZE  nocts,
const OSUTF8CHAR *  elemName,
const OSUTF8CHAR *  nsPrefix 

This function encodes a variable of the ASN.1 open type.

It copies the data as it exists in the structure to the encode buffer or stream.

pctxt A pointer to a context structure. This provides a storage area for the function to store all working variables that must be maintained between function calls.
data A pointer to a buffer containing the open type data.
nocts Number of bytes in the data buffer to encode.
elemName XML element name. A name must be provided. If an empty string is passed (""), no element tag is added to the encoded value.
nsPrefix XML namespace prefix. If not null, will be prepended to elemName to form a qualified name.
Completion status of operation:
  • 0 (0) = success,
  • negative return value is error.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlEncOpenTypeExt ( OSCTXT *  pctxt,
OSRTDList *  pElemList 

This function encodes an ASN.1 open type extension.

This occurs in a SEQUENCE or SET type when a ... is present. The type is represented as a list of open type structures.

pctxt A pointer to a context structure. This provides a storage area for the function to store all working variables that must be maintained between function calls.
pElemList Linked list of ASN.1 open type structures.
Completion status of operation:
  • 0 (0) = success,
  • negative return value is error.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlEncReal ( OSCTXT *  pctxt,
OSREAL  value,
const OSUTF8CHAR *  elemName,
const OSUTF8CHAR *  nsPrefix 

This function encodes a variable of the ASN.1 REAL type.

pctxt A pointer to a context structure. This provides a storage area for the function to store all working variables that must be maintained between function calls.
pvalue A pointer to OSREAL value.
elemName XML element name. A name must be provided. If an empty string is passed (""), no element tag is added to the encoded value.
nsPrefix XML namespace prefix. If not null, will be prepended to elemName to form a qualified name.
Completion status of operation:
  • 0 (0) = success,
  • negative return value is error.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlEncRelOID ( OSCTXT *  pctxt,
const ASN1OBJID *  pvalue,
const OSUTF8CHAR *  elemName,
const OSUTF8CHAR *  nsPrefix 

This function encodes a variable of the ASN.1 RELATIVE-OID type.

pctxt A pointer to a context structure. This provides a storage area for the function to store all working variables that must be maintained between function calls.
pvalue A pointer to an object identifier structure. This structure contains an integer to hold the number of subidentifers in the object and an array to hold the subidentifier values.
elemName XML element name. A name must be provided. If an empty string is passed (""), no element tag is added to the encoded value.
nsPrefix XML namespace prefix. If not null, will be prepended to elemName to form a qualified name.
Completion status of operation:
  • 0 (0) = success,
  • negative return value is error.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlEncUnivStr ( OSCTXT *  pctxt,
const OS32BITCHAR *  value,
OSSIZE  nchars,
const OSUTF8CHAR *  elemName,
OSXMLNamespace *  pNS 

This function encodes a variable of the ASN.1 UNIVERSAL string type.

pctxt A pointer to a context structure. This provides a storage area for the function to store all working variables that must be maintained between function calls.
value Array of universal characters to be encoded. Each character is represented as a 32-bit integer.
nchars Number of characters to encode.
elemName XML element name. A name must be provided. If an empty string is passed (""), no element tag is added to the encoded value.
pNS XML namespace information (prefix and URI).
Completion status of operation:
  • 0 (0) = success,
  • negative return value is error.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlEncUTCTime ( OSCTXT *  pctxt,
const char *  value,
const OSUTF8CHAR *  elemName,
const OSUTF8CHAR *  nsPrefix 

This function encodes a variable of the ASN.1 UTCTime type.

It performs conversion from ASN.1 time format into the XML dateTime format.

pctxt A pointer to a context structure. This provides a storage area for the function to store all working variables that must be maintained between function calls.
value A pointer to a null-terminated C character string to be encoded. It should contain UTCTime in ASN.1 format.
elemName XML element name. A name must be provided. If an empty string is passed (""), no element tag is added to the encoded value.
nsPrefix XML namespace prefix. If not null, will be prepended to elemName to form a qualified name.
Completion status of operation:
  • 0 (0) = success,
  • negative return value is error.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlFmtAttrStr ( OSCTXT *  pctxt,
const OSUTF8CHAR *  name,
const OSUTF8CHAR *  value,
OSUTF8CHAR **  pAttrStr 

This function formats a name-value XML pair into a name="value" attribute string.

pctxt A pointer to a context structure. This provides a storage area for the function to store all working variables that must be maintained between function calls.
name A pointer to an XML element name. A name must be provided.
value A pointer to the corresponding element value.
pAttrStr The resulting name="value" string.
Completion status of operation:
  • 0 (0) = success,
  • negative return value is error.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlParseAttrStr ( OSCTXT *  pctxt,
const OSUTF8CHAR *  pAttrStr,

This function parses an XML name-value pair from an attribute string.

pctxt A pointer to a context structure. This provides a storage area for the function to store all working variables that must be maintained between function calls.
pAttrStr The name-value string to be parsed.
pNVPair A pointer to an XML name-value pair structure filled in by invoking this method.
Completion status of operation:
  • 0 (0) = success,
  • negative return value is error.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlpDecDynBitStr ( OSCTXT *  pctxt,
ASN1DynBitStr *  pvalue 

This function decodes a bit string value.

The string consists of a series of '1' and '0' characters. This is the dynamic version in which memory is allocated for the returned binary string variable. Bits are stored from MSB to LSB order.

pctxt Pointer to context block structure.
pvalue Pointer to a variable to receive the decoded value.
Completion status of operation:
  • 0 = success,
  • negative return value is error.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlpDecDynBitStr64 ( OSCTXT *  pctxt,
ASN1DynBitStr64 *  pvalue 

This function decodes a bit string value.

The string consists of a series of '1' and '0' characters. This is the dynamic version in which memory is allocated for the returned binary string variable. Bits are stored from MSB to LSB order.

This version of the function can hold strings with lengths up to 64 bits in size.

pctxt Pointer to context block structure.
pvalue Pointer to a variable to receive the decoded value.
Completion status of operation:
  • 0 = success,
  • negative return value is error.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlpDecGenTime ( OSCTXT *  pctxt,
const char **  outdata 

This function decodes the contents of an ASN.1 Generalized type.

Input is expected to be a string of OSUTF8CHAR characters returned by an XML pull parser. The encoding is expected to be in xsd:dateTime format (not in the XER format).

pctxt Pointer to context block structure.
outdata Pointer to a pointer to receive decoded UTF-8 string. Memory is allocated for this string using the run-time memory manager.
Completion status of operation:
  • 0 = success,
  • negative return value is error.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlpDecObjId ( OSCTXT *  pctxt,
ASN1OBJID *  pvalue 

This function decodes the contents of an ASN.1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER type.

Input is expected to be a string of OSUTF8CHAR characters returned by an XML pull parser.

pctxt Pointer to context block structure.
pvalue Pointer to ASN.1 object identifier value to receive decoded result.
Completion status of operation:
  • 0 = success,
  • negative return value is error.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlpDecOpenType ( OSCTXT *  pctxt,
ASN1OpenType *  pOpenType 

This function decodes a variable of the ASN.1 open type.

If the XML open type is in the form of an xmlhstring (see X.681, clause 14.6), it is converted to binary forma and stored in the open type structure. Otherwise, the textual representation is saved as-is.

pctxt A pointer to a context structure. This provides a storage area for the function to store all working variables that must be maintained between function calls.
pOpenType A pointer to an open type structure to receive the decoded data.
Completion status of operation:
  • 0 (0) = success,
  • negative return value is error.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlpDecReal ( OSCTXT *  pctxt,
OSREAL *  pvalue 

This function decodes the contents of an ASN.1 REAL type.

Input is expected to be returned by an XML pull parser.

This method recognizes the basic-XER encoding for a REAL, which consists of the elements <PLUS-INFINITY/>, <MINUS-INFINITY/>, and <NOT-A-NUMBER/>, and realnumber with an optional negative sign.

pctxt Pointer to context block structure.
pvalue Pointer to OSREAL to value to receive decoded result.
Completion status of operation:
  • 0 = success,
  • negative return value is error.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlpDecRelOID ( OSCTXT *  pctxt,
ASN1OBJID *  pvalue 

This function decodes the contents of an ASN.1 RELATIVE-OID type.

Input is expected to be a string of OSUTF8CHAR characters returned by an XML pull parser.

pctxt Pointer to context block structure.
pvalue Pointer to ASN.1 object identifier value to receive decoded result.
Completion status of operation:
  • 0 = success,
  • negative return value is error.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlpDecUnivStr ( OSCTXT *  pctxt,
const OS32BITCHAR **  ppdata,
OSSIZE *  pnchars 

This function decodes the contents of an ASN.1 UNIVERSAL string type.

Input is expected to be a string of OSUTF8CHAR characters returned by an XML pull parser.

pctxt Pointer to context block structure.
ppdata Pointer to 32-bit character string value to receive decoded result.
pnchars Pointer to length value to recieve decoded length in characters.
Completion status of operation:
  • 0 = success,
  • negative return value is error.
EXTERNXML int rtAsn1XmlpDecUTCTime ( OSCTXT *  pctxt,
const char **  outdata 

This function decodes the contents of an ASN.1 UTCTime type.

Input is expected to be a string of OSUTF8CHAR characters returned by an XML pull parser. The encoding is expected to be in xsd:dateTime format (not in the XER format).

pctxt Pointer to context block structure.
outdata Pointer to a pointer to receive decoded UTF-8 string. Memory is allocated for this string using the run-time memory manager.
Completion status of operation:
  • 0 = success,
  • negative return value is error.
EXTERNXML int rtXmlpDecListOfASN1DynBitStr ( OSCTXT *  pctxt,
OSRTDList *  plist 

This function decodes a list of space-separated bit strings and returns each bit string as a separate item on the given list.

The string consists of a series of '1' and '0' characters. Memory is allocated for the list nodes and token values using the rtx memory management functions. Bits are stored from MSB to LSB order.

pctxt A pointer to a context structure. This provides a storage area for the function to store all working variables that must be maintained between function calls.
plist A pointer to a linked list structure to which the parsed bit string values will be added.
Completion status of operation:
  • 0 = success,
  • negative return value is error.