Asn1RelativeOID Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for Asn1RelativeOID:
Asn1ObjectIdentifier Asn1Type Asn1TypeIF

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Asn1RelativeOID (int[] value)
 Asn1RelativeOID ()
override void Decode (Asn1OerDecodeBuffer buffer)
override void Decode (Asn1PerDecodeBuffer buffer)
override void Decode (Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, bool explicitTagging, int implicitLength)
override void DecodeXER (System.String buffer, System.String attrs)
override void DecodeXML (System.String buffer, System.String attrs)
override void Encode (Asn1PerOutputStream outs)
override void Encode (Asn1BerOutputStream outs, bool explicitTagging)
override void Encode (Asn1XmlEncoder buffer, System.String elemName, System.String nsPrefix)
override void Encode (Asn1XerEncoder buffer, System.String elemName)
override void Encode (Asn1OerEncodeBuffer buffer)
override void Encode (Asn1PerEncodeBuffer buffer)
override int Encode (Asn1BerEncodeBuffer buffer, bool explicitTagging)

Static Public Attributes

new static readonly Asn1Tag _TAG

Protected Member Functions

override void Validate ()

Detailed Description

This is a container class for holding the components of an ASN.1 relative object identifier value.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Asn1RelativeOID (  ) 

This constructor creates an empty object identifier that can be used in a Decode method call to receive an OID value.

Asn1RelativeOID ( int[]  value  ) 

This constructor initializes the object identifier from the given array of integer subidentifier values.

value Array of subidentifiers

Member Function Documentation

override void Decode ( Asn1OerDecodeBuffer  buffer  )  [virtual]

Decode an ASN.1 RELATIVE-OID that was encoded according to the Octet Encoding Rules (OER).

Reimplemented from Asn1ObjectIdentifier.

override void Decode ( Asn1PerDecodeBuffer  buffer  )  [virtual]

This method decodes an ASN.1 relative object identifier value using the packed encoding rules (PER).

buffer Decode message buffer object

Reimplemented from Asn1ObjectIdentifier.

override void Decode ( Asn1BerDecodeBuffer  buffer,
bool  explicitTagging,
int  implicitLength 
) [virtual]

This method decodes an ASN.1 relative object identifier value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.

buffer Decode message buffer object
explicitTagging Flag indicating element is explicitly tagged
implicitLength Length of contents if implicit

Reimplemented from Asn1ObjectIdentifier.

override void DecodeXER ( System.String  buffer,
System.String  attrs 
) [virtual]

This method decodes an ASN.1 RELATIVE-OID value using the XML encoding rules (XER).

buffer String containing data to be decoded
attrs Attributes string from element tag

Reimplemented from Asn1ObjectIdentifier.

override void DecodeXML ( System.String  buffer,
System.String  attrs 

This method decodes an ASN.1 RELATIVE-OID value using the XML schema encoding rules(asn2xsd).

buffer String containing data to be decoded
attrs Attributes string from element tag

Reimplemented from Asn1ObjectIdentifier.

override void Encode ( Asn1PerOutputStream  outs  )  [virtual]

This method encodes an ASN.1 relative object identifier value using the packed encoding rules (PER).

The value to be encoded is stored in the mValue public member variable within this class.

Also throws any exception thrown by the Asn1PerOutputStream.

outs PER Output Stream object
Asn1Exception Thrown, if operation is failed.

Reimplemented from Asn1ObjectIdentifier.

override void Encode ( Asn1BerOutputStream  outs,
bool  explicitTagging 
) [virtual]

This method encodes and writes to the stream an ASN.1 object identifier value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified. This overloaded version uses the Basic Encoding Rules (BER).

Throws, Exception thrown by C# System.IO.Stream for I/O error

outs BER Output Stream object
explicitTagging Flag indicating explicit tagging should be done
Asn1Exception Thrown, if operation is failed.

Reimplemented from Asn1ObjectIdentifier.

override void Encode ( Asn1XmlEncoder  buffer,
System.String  elemName,
System.String  nsPrefix 
) [virtual]

This method encodes an ASN.1 RELATIVE-OID value using the XML Encoding as specified in the XML schema standard(asn2xsd).

buffer Encode message buffer object
elemName Element name
nsPrefix Element namespace value

Reimplemented from Asn1ObjectIdentifier.

override void Encode ( Asn1XerEncoder  buffer,
System.String  elemName 
) [virtual]

This method encodes an ASN.1 RELATIVE-OID value using the XML encoding rules (XER).

buffer Encode message buffer object
elemName Element name

Reimplemented from Asn1ObjectIdentifier.

override void Encode ( Asn1OerEncodeBuffer  buffer  )  [virtual]

This method encodes an ASN.1 RELATIVE-OID according to Octet Encoding Rules (OER).

buffer Encode message buffer object

Reimplemented from Asn1ObjectIdentifier.

override void Encode ( Asn1PerEncodeBuffer  buffer  )  [virtual]

This method encodes an ASN.1 relative object identifier value using the packed encoding rules (PER).

The value to be encoded is stored in the mValue public member variable within this class.

buffer Encode message buffer object

Reimplemented from Asn1ObjectIdentifier.

override int Encode ( Asn1BerEncodeBuffer  buffer,
bool  explicitTagging 
) [virtual]

This method encodes an ASN.1 relative object identifier value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.

buffer Encode message buffer object
explicitTagging Flag indicating explicit tagging should be done
Length of encoded component in octets

Reimplemented from Asn1ObjectIdentifier.

override void Validate (  )  [protected, virtual]

Do some minimal validation. Subclasses may override this to adjust for their validation rules (e.g. Asn1RelativeOID overrides this to be more lax). Minimally, the implementation should enforce that value is not null and that there is at least one arc.

Asn1InvalidObjectIDException if validation fails

Reimplemented from Asn1ObjectIdentifier.

Member Data Documentation

new static readonly Asn1Tag _TAG [static]

The _TAG constant describes the universal tag for this data type (UNIVERSAL 13).

Reimplemented from Asn1ObjectIdentifier.