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CSTAResponseInfo Class Reference

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byte[] ResponseFromPBX [get, set]
byte[][] ResponsesFromPBX [get, set]
int StatusCode [get, set]
string StatusMessage [get, set]

Detailed Description

Contains information about a PBX operation that was attempted.

Property Documentation

byte [] ResponseFromPBX [get, set]

Contains the response from the PBX for messages that generate a single atomic response. If a message that normally generates multiple response segments (e.g., Get Switching Function Devices) encounters an error (e.g., the PBX rejects the message), then the single error message returned by the PBX will be in this property; the ResponsesFromPBX property will be null.

byte [][] ResponsesFromPBX [get, set]

Contains the responses from the PBX for messages that generate multiple response segments (e.g., Get Switching Function Devices). If such a message encounters an error (e.g., the PBX rejects the message), then the single error message returned by the PBX will be in the ResponseFromPBX property; this property will be null.

int StatusCode [get, set]

A numeric status code. A value less than zero indicates that something went wrong during the attempted operation.

string StatusMessage [get, set]

Text containing information about a PBX operation that has completed, either successfully or not.