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CSTAResponseInfo Class Reference

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byte[] ResponseFromPBX [get, set]
byte[][] ResponsesFromPBX [get, set]
int StatusCode [get, set]
string StatusMessage [get, set]

Detailed Description

Contains information about a PBX operation that was attempted.

Property Documentation

byte [] ResponseFromPBX [get, set]

Contains the response from the PBX for messages that generate a single atomic response, or the immediate acknowledgement response for messages that generate multiple data responses (e.g., Get Switching Function Devices). If a message that normally generates multiple response segments encounters an error (e.g., the PBX rejects the message), then the single error message returned by the PBX will be in this property; the ResponsesFromPBX property will be null.

byte [][] ResponsesFromPBX [get, set]

Contains the responses from the PBX for messages that generate multiple response segments (e.g., Get Switching Function Devices). If such a message encounters an error (e.g., the PBX rejects the message), then the single error message returned by the PBX will be in the ResponseFromPBX property; this property will be null. In all cases the first response, which is the acknowledgement message from the PBX, will be in the ResponseFromPBX property.

int StatusCode [get, set]

A numeric status code. A value less than zero indicates that something went wrong during the attempted operation.

string StatusMessage [get, set]

Text containing information about a PBX operation that has completed, either successfully or not.